Romanza - A lyrical piece of vocal or instrumental music. A romance; a romantic flight of fancy; a fanciful invention.
for Violin, Cello & Piano
by Susan J. Fischer

Performed and recorded at the
Plymouth Church of the Pilgrims
Brooklyn Heights, New York

Filip Pogady, violin
Andrew Borkowski, cello
Susan J. Fischer, piano

Romanza in Rome

Recording with Dance Performance at the
Chiostro dell’Ambasciata del Brasile
Piazza Navona, 14-Roma
4 luglio-2015

Romanza in New York

Performance of Romanza
New York Composers Circle Concert

Aaron Copland School of Music
Le Frak Concert Hall, Queens College
Queens, New York

Gregor Kitzis violin
Andrew Borkowski cello
Susan J. Fischer piano